
Track 34: Recording of “A pleasant new Sonnet intituled, mine owne dear Lady braue, To the tune of Rogero,” in in Richard Johnson’s A crowne garland of goulden roses Gathered out of Englands royall garden. Being the liues and strange fortunes of many great personages of this land. Set forth in many pleasant new songs and sonnets neuer before imprinted (1612).

      34-loverspaniel-edJohnson-rogero-major - Pleasant New Sonnet

Track 35: Recording of first stanza of “A most godly and comfortable Ballad of the glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ,” published as early as 1624, Roxburghe 1.258-259, EBBA 30184, to the tune of “Rogero,” sung by Erik Bell.

      35-resurrection-30184-st.1-v1.0-Rogero-major - EBBA 30184, Stanza 1

Track 36: MIDI of transcription of recording of first stanza of “A most godly and comfortable Ballad of the glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ,” published as early as 1624, Roxburghe 1.258-259, EBBA 30184, to the tune of “Rogero,” sung by Erik Bell.

      36-resurrection-30184-st.1-v1.0-Rogero-midi - EBBA 30184, Stanza 1 MIDI

Track 37: Recording of first stanza of “A most godly and comfortable Ballad of the glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ,” published as early as 1624, Roxburghe 1.258-259, EBBA 30184, to the tune of “Rogero,” sung by Helena Harlow.

      37-resurrection-30184-st.1-v2.0-Rogero-major - EBBA 30184

Track 38: MIDI of transcription of recording of first stanza of “A most godly and comfortable Ballad of the glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ,” published as early as 1624, Roxburghe 1.258-259, EBBA 30184, to the tune of “Rogero,” sung by Helena Harlow.

      38-resurrection-30184-st.1-v2.0-Rogero-midi - EBBA 30184 MIDI

Track 39: “Rogero” in major played slowly/soberly on the violin by Sara Bashore (to Simpson notation).

      39-rogero-simpson-violinslow - EBBA 30184 MIDI

Track 40: “Rogero” in major played quickly/joyfully on the violin by Sara Bashore (to Simpson notation).

      40-rogero-simpson-violonfast - EBBA 30184 MIDI

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